Session 6 1 Kings 18:25-39



(If some in the group have never been in a job interview,
share a “tough question” they would ask if they were the employer.)



Let’s look at God’s demonstration of power in Elijah’s life.
Evidence of God’s power with Elijah can encourage us
in knowing His power is available to us today.



Reference Pack Item 2 (Outline of 1, 2 Kings).
Distribute Pack Item 9 (Handout: Kings of the Divided Kingdom).
Use the information in Understand the Context (p. 53)

review how Israel was divided into two kingdoms following Solomon’s death.
Highlight the importance of Omri, Ahab, and Jezebel.


Briefly review the following background for Elijah’s story:

  1. It had not rained for three years because of God’s punishment for the people’s idol worship:
  2. After three drought years, God sent Elijah to King Ahab with the message that He would send rain;

  3. (Elijah challenged Ahab to bring the people of Israel to Mount Carmel to see God demonstrate His power; and
  4. Both the false prophets and Elijah would both prepare an animal sacrifice and call on their God to respond with fire on the offering.


Elijah challenged the false prophets to show the power of their god.
He invited the people to decide for themselves between the one true God of Israel
and the false god Baal.
Let’s see what happens.


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