Session 5 1 Kings 15:9-22

CORNERED (1 KINGS 15:16-19)

listen for Asa’s request of the son of the king of Aram.

16 There was war between Asa and King Baasha of Israel throughout their reigns.
17 Israel’s King Baasha went to war against Judah.
He built Ramah in order to keep anyone from leaving or coming to King Asa of Judah.
18 So Asa withdrew all the silver and gold that remained in the treasuries
of the LORD’s temple and the treasuries of the royal palace
and gave it to his servants.
Then King Asa sent them to Ben-hadad son of Tabrimmon
son of Hezion king of Aram who lived in Damascus, saying,
19 “There is a treaty between me and you,
between my father and your father.
Look, I have sent you a gift of silver and gold.
Go and break your treaty with King Baasha of Israel so that he will withdraw from me.”


Who’s Who?
list the names:
Asa, Baasha, Ben-hadad.
search the Day 3 Daily Exploration (p. 50)
to learn more about these three men.


Highlight this statement:

Asa was seemingly willing to do anything to get Baasha
to withdraw from Judah, even bribe a pagan king.



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