Session 2 1 Kings 8:46-60


listen for Solomon’s words of blessing for the people of Israel.

54 When Solomon finished praying this entire prayer and petition to the LORD,
he got up from kneeling before the altar of the LORD,
with his hands spread out toward heaven,
55 and he stood and blessed the whole congregation of Israel
with a loud voice:
56 “Blessed be the LORD! He has given rest to his people Israel
according to all he has said.
Not one of all the good promises he made
through his servant Moses has failed.

57 May the LORD our God be with us as he was with our ancestors.
May he not abandon us or leave us
58 so that he causes us to be devoted to him,
to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commands, statutes,
and ordinances, which he commanded our ancestors.
59 May my words with which I have made my petition
before the LORD be near the LORD our God day and night.
May he uphold his servant’s cause and the cause of his people Israel,
as each day requires.
60 May all the peoples of the earth know that the LORD is God.
There is no other!


As the temple dedication concluded, Solomon offered these words
as a prayer of blessing for the people of Israel.

Draw attention to the description used in verse 54,
“with his hands spread out toward heaven,”
note that this posture communicated the one praying was worshiping,
surrendering, and depending on God to work.



God’s presence among His people would enable them
to live in ways that brought honor to Him—this was Solomon’s prayer.



Remind the group of the lesson’s summary statement: Forgiveness awaits all who turn to God in repentance. Lead the group to reflect on the session’s main points by reviewing the bulleted summary statements under Apply the Text (p. 24).


Direct the group to quietly reflect on the second question set: What roadblocks keep you from approaching God honestly with all your heart and soul? What can be done to remove those roadblocks and any doubts you may have about God listening? (p. 24)


Explain that God can handle our honest questions and doubts. And we can have confidence that He offers forgiveness to all who turn to Him in repentance.


Conclude the group time in prayer, thanking God for the forgiveness He provides to all who seek Him and turn toward Him in repentance. Pray that we will honor Him through faithful living.


Reinforce group participation by creating an online prayer community for the group to use during the study. Encourage the group to participate regularly in both praying for others and listing personal requests on the site.


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