Session 2 1 Kings 8:46-60

GOD HEARS (1 KINGS 8:49-53)

listen for the specific things Solomon asked God to do for His people.

49 may you hear in heaven, your dwelling place, their prayer and petition
and uphold their cause.
50 May you forgive your people who sinned against you and all their rebellions against you,
and may you grant them compassion before their captors,
so that they may treat them compassionately.

51 For they are your people and your inheritance;
you brought them out of Egypt, out of the middle of an iron furnace.
52 May your eyes be open to your servant’s petition
and to the petition of your people Israel,
listening to them whenever they call to you.
53 For you, Lord GOD, have set them apart as your inheritance
from all peoples of the earth,
as you spoke through your servant Moses when you brought our ancestors out of Egypt.


Solomon’s Requests.
identify the four requests Solomon asks of God in verses 49-50.


Identify: !

verses 51-53
the fifth thing Solomon asked God to do.

Emphasize that God hears our prayers and petitions,
and rather than respond with what we deserve, God shows us grace and compassion.



As believers, we can have confidence that God hears our prayers of repentance.


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