Session 13 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15


listen for Paul’s specific instructions.

13 But as for you, brothers and sisters,
do not grow weary in doing good.

14 If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter,
take note of that person;
don’t associate with him, so that he may be ashamed.
15 Yet don’t consider him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.


one verse from 2 Thessalonians 3:13-15.
identify Paul’s commands
and locate explanations of specific words.
share their observations.

Clarify as needed using information gleaned from Explore the Text (p. 111) and your personal study.




Call attention to the summary statement on page 108:
Believers are to live in obedience while waiting on the return of Christ.
Call for volunteers to suggest ways this truth is demonstrated in 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15.
Point out the bulleted statements under Apply the Text (p. 112).
Lead the group to propose how each bulleted statement relates to the session summary statement.


Call attention to the second question set under Apply the Text (p. 112):
Reflect on the different ways God has provided for your needs in the past
and in the present.
Thank Him for opportunities He gives you to provide for your needs and the needs of your family. !
Allow a few minutes for the group to jot their thoughts in the margin of their book.
Invite volunteers to share examples,
and encourage the group to continue to reflect on this activity throughout the week.


Lead the group to revisit their study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Ask: What’s one thing you will use from our studies to help you remain faithful? How will you use what you have learned to ensure that difficult circumstances don’t hinder you from faithfully living and sharing the gospel until Jesus returns?


Conclude the group time with prayer,
thanking God for Christ’s promised return.
Pray for your group as you live in obedience while waiting on the return of Christ.


Reinforce the session by contacting the group during the week, thanking them for participating in the study of Thessalonians. Encourage the group to continue to process and put into practice the things they learned from the encouragement Paul, Silas, and Timothy shared with the Thessalonian church.


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