Session 11 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12




In advance, gather three paper or plastic cups and a ball (you can use wadded up paper) for a shell game. Explain that the object of the shell game is for one person to keep his or her eyes on the shell (or cup) that has a ball (or paper) under it, while another person moves the three shells around. Enlist a volunteer to demonstrate. Discuss: What kind of chatter might a person use to distract someone playing the shell game? How does the shell game chatter compare to the chatter that causes a person to lose focus in their spiritual lives? (p. 93)


We encounter lots of chatter about the end of time that can distract us and cause us to lose focus. Paul warned the church at Thessalonica to observe and stay focused on what they knew to be true.



Recall 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 referred to the day of the Lord. Direct attention to Pack Item 2 (Outlines of 1, 2 Thessalonians) and point to the reference. Share information from Understand the Context (p. 69) for 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11. Use Understand the Context for this session (p. 93) to introduce the focal passage, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, which also refers to the day of the Lord.


Point out that Paul didn’t necessarily give his readers new information here, but he did clarify the truth, which would help the Thessalonians reject the messages proclaimed by false teachers who were intent on upsetting their congregation. Paul encouraged the church to live in light of the promises God had made to them.


Throughout this section, Paul pointed the Thessalonian church back to what believers knew to be true.


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