Session 5 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
search the Internet for how-to videos
(suggestions: minor home or auto repair, cooking, exercise, sports, art, language),
videos are popular for instruction because they demonstrate how something is done, but some are more helpful than others.
to provide effective and helpful instruction, it requires the ability
to model and teach—do as I say and do as I do.
today’s session will focus on a lifestyle demonstration from the consistent behavior of believers
who successfully do both.
point to Pack Item 2 (Outlines of 1, 2 Thessalonians) displayed on the wall,
to briefly recall previous sessions.
today’s study, which focuses on 1 Thessalonians 4, marks a change in Paul’s letter to the church.
He had been focused on encouraging the church through an extremely difficult time of persecution and trial.
He now begins to speak to them about their continued growth in Christ considering His pending return.