Session 4 1 Thessalonians 3:4-13
Think of something parents often say.
Summarize the first paragraph on page 37,
emphasizing that parents love their children unconditionally and hope their warnings and words of instruction will be heeded.
The church at Thessalonica was like a child to Paul.
In today’s study, we will see Paul experience the thoughts and feelings of parenting
with the Thessalonian church. Both were encouraged through the faithfulness of the other.
Direct attention to Pack Item 2 (Outlines of 1, 2 Thessalonians),
noting that this session focuses on Paul’s concern for the Thessalonians.
Also point out Pack Item 3 (Themes of 1, 2 Thessalonians),
highlighting the “Persecution” theme.
Briefly review the summary statements from the previous sessions.
Explain that believers in Thessalonica were experiencing persecution for their faith.
Summarize the information in
Understand the Context (p. 37).
Paul experienced concern for the church at Thessalonica
because he hadn’t had the opportunity to disciple them as he would have liked.
He feared he had left them more vulnerable to the persecution they were facing.