Session 3 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20

FOCUSED (1 THESS. 2:17-20)

listen for how Paul remained focused, despite opposition.

17 But as for us, brothers and sisters,
after we were forced to leave you for a short time
(in person, not in heart),
we greatly desired and made every effort to return and see you face to face.
18 So we wanted to come to you —
even I, Paul, time and again — but Satan hindered us.

19 For who is our hope or joy or crown of boasting in the presence of our Lord Jesus
at his coming? Is it not you?
20 Indeed you are our glory and joy!


find Paul’s references to leave and return.



Invite a volunteer to read aloud James 4:7,
which applies to believers today just as it did
to the scattered and persecuted New Testament church to which James wrote.

James 4:7

Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.


Point out that Paul knew the persecution was temporary.
He was focused on the return of Christ and was leading those around him to have this same focus.



REVIEW: Read the summary statement:
A person’s response to the gospel defines his or her future.

Discuss examples that support this statement from each of the three session points:
Received, Rejected, and Focused. !3MEMORIZE:

Distribute copies of Pack Item 8 (Memory Verses Bookmark)
to anyone who needs one.
Challenge the group to memorize 1 Thessalonians 2:14a.


Call attention to and discuss the third question set under Apply the Text (p. 32):
Discuss how the three missionaries and church at Thessalonica were focused on Christ’s return.
What steps can your group take this week to have a focus more in line with their focus on Christ’s return?


Conclude the group time with prayer,
requesting God’s strength and direction
as your group shares the gospel.
Ask God to give the group a renewed urgency for sharing the gospel
with others—and to always be aware that people’s futures are at stake.


Reinforce the session by evaluating the way your group responds to those who reject the gospel. Gather for a time of prayer for those who are rejecting the gospel and those who are sharing it. Discuss ways to motivate believers to share the gospel, even when faced with rejection.

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