Session 1 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

4 PURPOSE (1 THESS. 1:9-10)

locate references to transformed lives and hope.

9 for they themselves report what kind of reception we had
from you:
how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God

10 and to wait for his Son from heaven,
whom he raised from the dead — Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.


Explain that despite persecution,
believers in the Thessalonian church recognized the bigger purpose
of living for and spreading the gospel.

Lead the group to locate the two verbs in verses 9 and 10
that describe the Thessalonian believers’ purpose

(turned and wait).


These believers could wait
because they knew that One was coming to rescue them
from the wrath to come.




Remind the group of the introductory activity
(identifying someone who pointed them in the right direction).
Share that this study demonstrates the impact of influence—
how transformed lives impact others for the sake of the gospel.
As a group, brainstorm ways believers can strengthen their influence
using the four session points for prompts:

  1. Partnership,
  2. Evidence,
  3. Influence,
  4. Purpose.


Lead the group to discuss the first question set under Apply the Text on page 16:
Identify as a group ways of fostering partnerships to expand your influence
for Christ within the community.
What steps need to be taken to foster these partnerships?


Conclude with prayer,
thanking God for the influence of godly believers.
Ask Him to help the group
evaluate their influence for Christ
and reveal ways they can expand that influence
as a group and individually.


Reinforce the session by contacting group members, especially those who have missed some sessions. Remind them that a new study is starting and encourage them to become involved from the beginning.


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